Monday, October 26, 2009

Rider Profiles: Joe Taylor

Joe's in his second year with the team. He's unfailingly cheerful, even faced with team mates like me. He is also the possessor of an incredible sense of humor about himself, as his profile shows.

karaoke joe

1. Name:
Joe Taylor

2. What do you do for a living?
I'm a Mechanical Engineer

3. What category or categories do you race in? How long have you been
I used to race junior races in the mid/late 90's, took a sabbatical, and started again last year. You can usually find me in the back of the pack of the mens B field, racing the guys with mechanical problems & hangovers for DFL.

4. What's your best bike accomplishment, or the one you're most proud
Winning the LeMans start of the team relay CX race in Santa Cruz last year, only to endo spectacularly 30 seconds later. Hats off to Jeremy Wright for sharing my defeat with my 15,000 closest friends on YouTube :)

5. What should people yell at you to make you go faster?
Don't yell at me, harass the guy behind me for getting passed by a dude in a pink floral skinsuit.

6. What's your favorite post-race beverage?
Same as my pre-race beverage. PBR + Whisky = victory. Whatever it takes to kill the part of my nervous system that connects my legs to my brain.

7. What else should your fans know about you?
Fans? What fans?

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